Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve never done yoga before. What classes are best suited for me?

We recommend that beginners and first-time visitors start with our Yoga Basics class. 


I am not very flexible.  Can I still take yoga classes?

Yes!  While yoga classes will help build flexibility, you do not need to be flexible to take yoga classes.  Our teachers will offer modifications for all types of bodies, so relax and do what makes sense for you!


I want to take livestream classes, but don’t have my own weights or props. 

Books can be used in place of blocks, towels or old ties and belts can be used as straps, pillows work well as bolsters, and canned vegetables or bottled water can be used as weights!


Can I attend any class on the schedule?
Yes, all students are welcome to attend any class on the schedule, but be sure to register in advance.

How do I know which classes are offered in-studio?

Look for the words “In Studio” on our Mindbody schedule. Most classes are also offered via livestream, so be sure to sign up for the correct option.

How do I access livestream classes?

Sign up through MindBody and you will receive an email invitation an hour before class with a link to join the class via Zoom. If you sign up within an hour before class, you will receive the email link within minutes. Visit to set up your Zoom account and download the app in advance of class.


What should I wear?
We recommend movable exercise pants, leggings or shorts made of breathable fabric. Sneakers/trainers are required for Strength classes.  All other classes are taken barefoot.


How do I know if a class is cancelled due to inclement weather?

In the case of inclement weather, please check our online class schedule for cancellations before heading to in studio and outdoor classes.  If you are registered for a class and it is cancelled, you will receive an email notification.

Have further questions?

Contact us at or 301-588-YOGA.