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Best Practices To Protect Your Skin

Michele Russ

Protect Your Skin This Summer

It’s officially summer, school is out, and now it’s time for vacation! Here in the mid-Atlantic, it’s likely that you’ll head to the beach at some point. A week at the beach playing in the waves, digging in the sand and getting away from the everyday grind can be so good for the soul, but not as good for our skin. Everyone’s heard of the dangers and damaging effects of too much sun exposure, so this is just a little reminder with some no-nonsense tips to safely enjoy those long sunny vacation days.

Wear a hat. A wide brim hat goes a long way in protecting the skin on your face, neck, ears and shoulders—all places that are highly susceptible to sun damage and skin cancer. 

Avoid the Midday Sun. This is age old, but wise advice. Those hours between 10am and 3pm are when the sun’s rays are at their strongest and we’re most likely to burn. Enjoy early morning walks on the beach when it’s gloriously peaceful and cooler. My favorite time on the beach is late afternoon heading into evening. The crowds thin out and the sun isn’t as harsh. 

Wear Protective Clothing. Sun-protective clothing is specifically designed to naturally shield your skin from damaging rays. Rash guards and other sun-protective tops are widely available and even cute. Look for labels that are rated for UV protection. LL Bean, Coolibar and Free Fly are all brands to try. No need to worry about reapplying sunscreen or missing a big spot on your back. Sun shirts have you covered. 

Choose Your Sunscreen Carefully. The wide array of sunscreens available can be overwhelming, and many of them contain chemicals and other harmful ingredients that soak into your skin. So in our effort to prevent sunburn and skin cancer, we may be exposing ourselves to toxins. Studies are ongoing on oxybenzone, the most widely used questionable sunscreen ingredient. To be on the safe side, try to use mineral-based sunscreens that create a physical, rather than a chemical, barrier to the sun. Visit for a list of highly-rated safer sunscreens. 

Days spent at the beach, lake or your local pool are some of summer’s finest hours. Soak in the pleasures of summer while wearing a hat, spending peak hours in the shade and using sun protection every day. Your healthy skin will thank you. Happy Summer!

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Michele Russ is a certified Health & Wellness Coach, yoga teacher and is passionate about healthy living for all.